Minimizing the execution time for a turbo code by using Java programming

Autor/autori: Alexandra SAVIN, Iolanda Elena ALECSANDRESCU, Lucian TRIFINA

Rezumat: Acest articol se bazeaza pe reducerea timpului de simulare pentru un cod turbo folosind algoritmul de decodare log-MAP pe un canal AWGN, scris intr-un limbaj de programare diferit de C++, in cazul de fata utilizand limbajul de programare Java. Simularile folosind codul Java au aratat ca rata erorii de bit (BER) si rata erorii de cadru (FER) cu ajutorul carora se evalueaza performanta codului turbo s-au realizat intr-o perioada de timp mai scurta decat daca se folosea codul scris in limbajul de programare C++.

Cuvinte cheie: cod turbo, interleaver, log-MAP, cod recursiv sistematic, colector de gunoi.

Abstract: This article focuses on the reduction of simulation time for a turbo code using the log-MAP decoding algorithm on an AWGN channel in a programming language different from C++, in this case using the Java programming language to write the simulation code. The simulations performed using the Java code showed the bit error rate (BER) and the frame error rate (FER) from which we could evaluate the performance of the turbo code in a more efficient period of time than using the code written in the C++ programming language.

Keywords: turbo code, interleaver, log-MAP, recursive systematic code, garbage collector.