OOK and PPM modulations effects on bit error rate in terrestrial laser transmissions

Autor/autori: Viorel MANEA, Radu DRAGOMIR, Sorin PUSCOCI

Rezumat: Conditiile atmosferice pot cauza intreruperea conexiunilor optice terestre. Robustetea sistemelor de comunicatii optice neghidate poate fi crescuta prin utilizarea unor tehnici de modulatie ce pot conduce la o mai buna tolerare a conditiilor atmosferice adverse. Supravietuirea conexiunii optice neghidate este evaluata prin masurarea ratei erorilor de bit.

Cuvinte cheie: comunicatie laser, rata erorilor de bit, comunicatii optice neghidate, modulatie

Abstract: Atmospheric conditions can cause the terrestrial laser links fail. Some optical signal coding techniques are used to enhance the free-space optical systems robustness for tolerating certain atmospheric constraints. The terrestrial laser communications link survivability is appraised by measuring the bit error rate of the link.

Keywords: laser communication, bit error rate, free space optics, modulation