Tele-assistance integrated services

Autor/autori: Sorin PUSCOCI

Rezumat: Dezvoltarea si diversificarea serviciilor electronice, strans legate de dezvoltarea exponentiala a tehnologiilor informatice si de comunicatii - TIC, conduc la schimbari fundamentale si in domeniul activitatilor de asistenta. Serviciile electronice permit cetatenilor accesul continuu la sursele de informatii publice, precum si schimbarea conceptului si organizarea multor servicii traditionale sau externalizarea unora, cu consecinte economice pozitive. Serviciile integrate de teleasistenta - SiTa reprezinta un exemplu tipic de servicii electronice, cu o dezvoltare si diversificare permanenta. Dezvoltarea viitoare a SiTa depind de schimbarea stilul de abordare si anume de la orientarea catre tehnologie la orientarea catre cerintele utilizatorilor, in acest mod asigurandu-se, mai eficient, satisfacerea cerintelor individuale ale beneficiarului de servicii de teleasistenta. Lucrarea prezinta unele aspecte referitoare la caracteristicile SiTa, suportul tehnic necesar si tendintele viitoare in concordanta cu cerintele societatii.

Cuvinte cheie: teleasistenta, telemedicina, servicii integrate, suport de comunicatii, suport informatic

Abstract: The development and diversification of the electronic services, closely related to the exponential development of communication and information technologies - ICT, lead to fundamental change in the field of service activities. The electronic services allow continuous access of the citizen to public sources of information, changing the concept of organization of many traditional services or outsourcing them with positive economic consequences. The Tele-assistance Integrated Services – TISr are representing a typical example of electronic services, developing and diversifying permanently based on innovation and collaboration. The future development of TISr depends on changing the style of approach from technology orientation to the users requirements orientation, in this way ensuring, more efficiently, satisfying the requirements of the individual beneficiary of teleassistance services. The paper presents some aspect relating to TISr’s features, required technical support and the future trends according to the society requirements.

Keywords: tele-assistance, telemedicine, integrated services, communications support, informatics support