A new MFCVSSEWOAPAECOR (Memory Fast Convergence Variable Step Size Exponentially Weighted Affine Projection Algorithm with Error Autocorrelation) algorithm used in smart antenna networks

Autor/autori: Adrian SCUTARIU, Mariana JURIAN

Rezumat: In acest articol este prezentat un algoritm adaptiv utilizat pentru formarea caracteristicii de radiatie in sistemele de antene inteligente [8]. Algoritmul propus are la baza algoritmul cu proiectii APA (Affine Projection Algorithm). Este de asemeni propusa o metoda de calcul a matricii de proiectie cu ajutorul unor vectori de proiectie de ordin superior. Acesti vectori au o lungime superioara ordinului de proiectie si sunt constituiti din elemente ale vectorului anterior si urmatorul esantion al semnalului de intrare. Algoritmul propus este testat in conditiile unui zgomot cu distributie alfa – stabila prezent pe canalul de comunicatii si rezultatele obtinute sunt superioare celor obtinute in cazul utilizarii unor algoritmi clasici precum LMS (Least Mean Squares), VSSLMS (Variable Step Size LMS), RLS (Recursive Least Squares) sau GAMSAPA (Gradient Adaptive Matrix Step Size APA).

Cuvinte cheie: algoritmi adaptivi, sisteme de antene inteligente, algoritmul APA, metoda "supra-esantionarii"

Abstract: In this paper a new adaptive algorithm used for beamforming in smart antenna systems is described [8]. The proposed algorithm is based on the APA (Affine Projection Algorithm) algorithm. Also a new method for the computation of the projection matrix using superior order projection vectors is proposed. The vectors length is higher than the projection order and they are made up of elements of the previous vector and the next sample of the input signal. The proposed algorithm is tested for the alpha-stable noise distribution present on the communication channel and the results obtained are superior to those obtained using classic algorithms like LMS (Least Mean Squares), VSSLMS (Variable Step Size LMS), RLS (Recursive Least Squares) or GAMSAPA (Gradient Adaptive Matrix Step Size APA).

Keywords: adaptive algorithms, smart antenna systems, the APA algorithm, the "over - sampling" method