Evaluation of a QoS Support Mechanism in Unified Network Architect

Autor/autori: Andra Elena Iulia PASTRAV, Tudor PALADE, Emanuel PUSCHITA, Stefan - Victor NICOLAESCU

Rezumat: Cresterea cererilor de servicii de banda larga a dus, pentru diverse tehnologii de acces, la implementarea mecanismelor de asigurarea a calitatii serviciului pentru a se oferi performante ridicate prin prioritizarea traficului. Cu toate acestea, in arhitecturi de retele unificate ce integreaza multiple tehnologii de acces, nu se poate garanta calitatea serviciului pentru o transmisie cap-la-cap. Aceasta problema ar putea fi rezolvata daca ruta ar fi aleasa pe baza cerintelor aplicatiei. Prin urmare, lucrarea de fata propune un mecanism de asigurarea a suportului QoS care selecteaza o ruta convenabila si prezinta o analiza comparativa a performantelor acestuia cu cele obtinute utilizand suportul QoS existent in sistem.

Cuvinte cheie: QoS, QoE, retele unificat

Abstract: The increasing demand for high capacity services in communication networks has led to the implementation, in certain network technologies, of different QoS support mechanisms that would prioritize the traffic and provide high performances. However, when integrating multiple technologies in a unified network architecture, the end-to-end QoS support cannot be guaranteed. This problem may be solved if the end-to-end path is selected considering the application requirements. Therefore, this paper proposes a QoS support mechanism that selects a suitable end-to-end path and compares its performances to the ones provided by the existing QoS support.

Keywords: QoS, QoE, unified networks